
Professional express logistics 
Europe-wide delivery within 24 hours.

Stra­te­gic ful­film­ent part­ners form the foun­da­ti­on of our inno­va­ti­ve logistics and trans­port solu­ti­ons. Using sophisti­ca­ted pro­ces­ses and a stra­te­gi­cal­ly loca­ted cen­tral wareh­ouse, we gua­ran­tee on-time order pro­ces­sing wit­hin 24 hours wit­hin the Euro­pean Uni­on. We use well-estab­lis­hed cou­rier ser­vices such as FedEx and DHL Express to deli­ver your order. We choo­se the most eco­no­mi­c­al and envi­ron­ment­al­ly-friend­ly trans­port opti­on for your location

Express shipping rates

15€ free of charge 
with orders over 5.000€

  • Deli­very time 24 hours
  • Real-time tracking

  • per­so­na­li­sed delivery

  • optio­nal Satur­day delivery

  • incl. € 2.500 insuran­ce cover
    (hig­her insuran­ce cover avail­ab­le on request)

40€ free of charge
with orders over 5.000€

  • Deli­very time 24 hours
  • Real-time tracking

  • optio­nal Satur­day delivery

  • per­so­na­li­sed delivery

  • incl. € 2.500 insuran­ce cover
    (hig­her insuran­ce cover avail­ab­le on request)

Standard shipping rates


  • Deli­very time 2 working days

  • incl. € 500 insuran­ce cover


  • Ship­ping time 3 — 5 working days
  • incl. € 500 insuran­ce cover

Can I can­cel my order after recei­ving it?2020–12-14T05:34:29+01:00

We only deal with tra­de cus­to­mers. You can­not return goods without pri­or agree­ment by us. Can­cel­la­ti­on using the Distance Sel­ling Act is excluded.

Plea­se also note our gene­ral terms and conditions.

    How can I can­cel an exis­ting order?2020–12-14T05:33:40+01:00

    All orders are bin­ding and must be accep­ted. Your order can­not be cancelled.

    Plea­se also note our gene­ral terms and conditions.

      Can I collect my order in per­son?2020–12-14T05:32:56+01:00

      You can collect your order in per­son by pri­or appoint­ment. Plea­se con­ta­ct our cus­to­mer sup­port team to make an appointment.

        Is the deli­very of my order insu­red?2020–12-14T05:31:30+01:00

        Your order will be ship­ped without deli­very insuran­ce at the risk of the reci­pi­ent. If you would like deli­very insuran­ce, plea­se con­ta­ct our cus­to­mer sup­port team.

        Plea­se also note our gene­ral terms and conditions.

          How can I com­p­lain about a dama­ged deli­very?2020–12-14T05:29:23+01:00

          Plea­se send com­p­laints of any kind to us immedia­te­ly and only in wri­ting by email using our RMA docu­ment.

          In the event of dama­ge, visi­ble hard­ware or soft­ware pro­blems, we ask for pho­tos of the item you wish to return in which the error or errors can be clear­ly recognized.

          Plea­se also note our gene­ral terms and conditions.

          What does deli­very cost?2021–04-19T08:23:39+02:00

          Packing and deli­very cos­ts for express ship­ping wit­hin Euro­pe are: 40 €
          For express ship­ments wit­hin Ger­ma­ny we char­ge: 15 €

          The cos­ts for stan­dard ship­ping wit­hin Euro­pe are: 25 €
          We send DHL ship­ments wit­hin Ger­ma­ny for: 10 €

          Orders of more than 5.000 € in value are deli­ve­r­ed free of char­ge wit­hin Europe.
          Deli­very is car­ri­ed out as express shipping

            How long should my order take to be deli­ve­r­ed?2020–12-14T05:22:16+01:00

            In our online shop, you can choo­se bet­ween express and stan­dard shipping.

            Express ship­ments wit­hin Euro­pe are deli­ve­r­ed wit­hin 24 hours on work­days. Deli­very is car­ri­ed out by our logistics part­ner: FedEx/TNT.

            Orders using stan­dard ship­ping are deli­ve­r­ed by DHL wit­hin Euro­pe wit­hin 3–7 working days.

              Which logistics com­pa­ny do you use for deli­very?2020–12-14T05:21:33+01:00

              Express ship­ments wit­hin Euro­pe are dis­patched via our logistics part­ners: FedEx, DHL Express and UPS.

              Stan­dard ship­ping wit­hin Euro­pe is hand­led by DHL and GLS.

                Do the pro­ducts deli­ve­r­ed inclu­de packaging/accessories?2020–12-14T05:20:39+01:00

                Pri­ces shown in the online shop refer exclu­si­ve­ly to the devices with no pack­a­ging or accessories.

                High-qua­­li­­ty access­ories and indi­vi­du­al pack­a­ging solu­ti­ons for smart­pho­nes are avail­ab­le sepa­r­ate­ly in our online shop.

                  Questions or suggestions? Give us a call!

                  Our team is avail­ab­le Mon­day to Fri­day from: 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. at:

                  +49 (0)89 — 3608 9230

                  +49 (0)176 — 4789 7605

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