Everything from a single source 
Smartphone, accessory & packaging wholesaler.

Our mar­ket-focu­sed pro­duct port­fo­lio covers the latest genera­ti­on, high-end models as well as clas­sic low-end devices from well-known manu­fac­tu­rers such as Apple, Sam­sung and Hua­wei. Our ran­ge is com­ple­men­ted by selec­ted enter­tain­ment elec­tro­nics, high-qua­li­ty smart­pho­ne access­ories and inno­va­ti­ve smart­pho­ne pack­a­ging and dis­play solutions.

You can see our cur­rent inven­to­ry any time in real time in our online shop. User-friend­ly over­view, inclu­ding essen­ti­al infor­ma­ti­on such as avail­ab­le quan­ti­ties, indi­vi­du­al pri­ces, volu­me dis­counts and detail­ed pro­duct information.






Questions or suggestions? Give us a call!

Our team is avail­ab­le Mon­day to Fri­day from: 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. at:

+49 (0)89 — 3608 9230

+49 (0)176 — 4789 7605